How do expatriates live their life and start a business in Shenzhen? What is Shenzhen like in their eyes? 「The World in Shenzhen」 will share with you their Shenzhen stories.
本集講述澳大利亞媒體人亞歷克斯·麥卡琴(Alex McCutcheon)發現了深圳古村的故事,並燃起了在古村直播的熱情。2009年來到深圳後,他發現這裏不僅有現代中國,還有令人驚嘆的傳統文化。在搞好新聞主播的同時,他深入古村鎮,在那裏尋找歷史的蹤影,來提升人們對這個現代都市的認識維度。他說深圳是一個很友好的城市,也是一座很有文化底蘊的城市。與世界分享中國文化和深圳文化,是他的責任,也給他帶來尋找的樂趣。
This episode will follow the steps of Australian media personality Alex McCutcheon to discover ancient villages in Shenzhen, and he develops a passion for livestreaming from these villages. When he settled in Shenzhen in 2009, McCutcheon found that Shenzhen has more than modernity to offer, and he was fascinated by the city’s traditional culture. While working as a news anchor in Shenzhen, he spends time delving into ancient towns and villages where he searches for traces of local history in a bid to enhance the dimension of people’s knowledge of this metropolis. He says Shenzhen is a friendly city with great cultural heritage. He sees it his responsibility to share Chinese and Shenzhen culture with the world, which in return also brings him the pleasure of searching.