How do expatriates live their life and start a business in Shenzhen? What is Shenzhen like in their eyes? “The World in Shenzhen” will share with you their Shenzhen stories.
本集講述亞美尼亞音樂家卡倫·科恰良(Karen Kocharyan)闖深圳的體驗。他第一次來中國,來的就是深圳,而且一見鍾情,不想走了。他現任深圳交響樂團的首席大提琴家。他說這裏是一座「愛樂之城」,政府治理非常認真,連空氣中都流動着藝術的熱情。越來越多的外國演奏家匯聚在交響樂團,恰恰證明深圳是越來越國際化的都市。
This episode is about Armenian musician Karen Kocharyan’s encounters in Shenzhen. Shenzhen was his destination of his first visit to China, and he fell in love with the city when he set foot here. Kocharyan is now the principal cellist of Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra. He calls Shenzhen a “City of Music,” where you’ll feel the enthusiasm for art in the air. The fact that an increasing number of international musicians gather at Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra proves that Shenzhen has become an international metropolis.