How do expatriates live their life and start a business in Shenzhen? What is Shenzhen like in their eyes? 「The World in Shenzhen」 will share with you their Shenzhen stories.
本集講述英國教師瑪麗安·穆特澤爾菲爾特 (Marion Muetzelfeldt)來深工作四年的親歷。她在深圳曼徹斯通城堡學校任校長,希望通過教育搭建中英文化交流的橋樑。她常情不自禁地加入到廣場舞隊伍中。她表示後悔來這裏來晚了:「如果我是10年前來到這裏,會在這裏再待上10年。深圳的一切都被絢麗的燈光所照亮,喜歡深圳的這些燈光」 。
The episode will share with viewers the story of Marion Muetzelfeldt from the U.K. Muetzelfeldt has worked as the principal of Merchiston International School Shenzhen over the past four years, and hopes to help build a bridge between Chinese and British cultures. Living in Shenzhen, she can’t help but join in the square dancing in her neighborhood. Muetzelfeldt says she wished she had come to Shenzhen earlier. 「It would be great if I had come here 10 years earlier. And I will stay here for another 10 years. Everything in Shenzhen is illuminated by gorgeous lights, which I adore.」