昨日(8月11日)Grace在社交媒體上載一家四口的影片,他們四人一起看煙花,過程中鄭嘉穎更輕吻Grace,相當甜蜜。信奉基督教的Grace更表示,每當他人問到結婚的感受,她便會回想起結婚當日的誓詞:「The promise that two is better than one…if either falls down, the other will help them up.(Ecclesiastes 4:9)The promise that love is patient and kind.(1 Corinthians 13:4)The promise that love encourages and builds each other up, just as we are doing…(1 Thessalonians 5:11)(兩人總比一人好,若是跌倒,這人可以扶起同伴。愛是恆久忍耐 , 又有恩慈。你們該彼此勸慰,互相建立,正如你們素常所行的。)」。
Grace又以煙花比喻自己結婚4年的感受:「The answer is that LOVE is ever shifting, exploding, moving, transforming, shining and endlessly revolving—and just like a firework.(我的答案是,愛是恆久變化、爆炸、移動、轉變、閃耀和無止境地旋轉——就像煙花一樣。)」相信二人婚姻仍舊幸福,愛意不變,真的羨煞旁人!