我曾讀過Richard Hendel所寫的《On Book Design》一書,其中講到「段落」時,他寫道:
What happened between paragraphs? Many designers use an em space to begin a new paragraph. Other designers feel that a space the width of a letter “M” is not enough, and others would use less space, not more. One of the first books I designed was with the artist Leonard Baskin, who insisted on half an em space. A journal editor with whom I worked was uncomfortable with 1 em and wanted 3 ems. We compromised on 2. In Questioning Edmond Jabes, the designer, Richard Eckersley, used what he called “outdents” — hanging indents with the first line of each paragraph flush left and the rest of paragraph indented. Eric Gill’s Essay on Typography has no paragraph indents but instead uses the symbol ¶ (known as a pilcrow). Other designers use no indentations but prefer space between paragraphs.
Jan Tschichold wrote an entire essay on why paragraphs must be indented: because indention guarantees that no reader will miss the beginning of a paragraph and because it does not compromise the design. Spaces between paragraphs are “flagrant interruptions and at times leave the reader in doubt whenever a new page indeed begins with a new paragraph.” Tschichold also felt that a lack of indention compromised the text.
Flush-left paragraph beginnings give the reader the impression that everything on the page is connected…that he is reading a single paragraph. Yet a good writer chooses his paragraph breaks with great forethought and wants them to be recognized as such… While blunt beginnings seems to create a uniform and consistent impression when compared with normal typesetting, this impression is paid for with serious loss of comprehension.
01_ 很多設計師會用一個「em space」作indent(段首縮進),顧名思義,是一個大階「M」的闊度空位。
02_ 有些設計師認為「em space」不夠闊,或太闊,會因應自己的喜好,加多或縮短空位。
03_ 該書作者有一位合作過的藝術家,曾於某本書內堅持要半個「em space」位作indent。
04_ 一位雜誌編輯覺得一個「em space」不夠闊,要求三個,最後大家各讓一步,用兩個em。
05_ 設計師Richard Eckersley曾在一本書上用上「outdents」,就是段首突出,其餘的段落縮入。(如上圖)
06_ Eric Gill曾經用符號(¶ Pilcrow)代替indent,作分段之用。(如上圖)(其實中世紀未有分段之前,英文段落分隔也是用「¶」符號。)
07_ 其他不用indent的設計師,則以隔行取代。
08_ 知名書籍設計師Jan Tschichold(曾是英國企鵝出版的設計總監)曾寫過一篇文章,解釋為何段首一定要indent,而不能用段首頂格與隔行。他認為,這一看似使文章整齊的開端方式,影響了讀者對內容的理解與閱讀。分段隔行是干擾,讓讀者疑惑新一段的開始,也讓讀者誤會上下文不分。他指出,優秀的作家對於換段有極大的遠見,不能埋沒了作者的用心。因此,明顯的indent能保證讀者不會錯過任何一段的開始。